Ide Uniq - 15 Deadly and Mysterius Sword

Sword is a sharp weapon is a different form of dagger or knife. Enter the category of the keenness of the sword weapons feature is if it has a long, sharp blade, one or both, usually metal, such as iron, steel and gold to meteorites. According to historical records, sharp weapons, since the bronze age, in the form of the sword, of course still is in very rough shape, simple and ugly. Recently some 2000 years BC, the form and all the details of evolution until now.
However, all the swords are human has ever been considered to be the most shocking 15 swords you know. Is said to be terrible because its popularity can make enemies keder until its effect on human health.
Following is the largest sword, legends and history of mankind as a whole and of course deadly.


Urumi the sword as a weapon is quite terrible. Is said to be very bad, because his model is not in the General case, there is only one blade only, but some of the tendrils is a flexible bar, and if you swing, the enemy is unable to guess which prohibited his sword.
Nicknamed 'pattakahthi', the man of the sword, which is surul weapons of war used in the Indian State of Kerala to the 167.64 cm length--121.92. Although very powerful, kill enemies, but it requires special skills and to master it, because if we are not careful, not just to the opponent but the master swords of destruction itself can be subject to sabetan them.


Zweihander sword was first created 1500 years 1550an berkecamuknya war Italy in 1494, was widely used in German. Also called Zweihander sword, who is also known as Doppelh or Beidh ä ä nder nder has a dual or two-hand grip.
Said to be strong in battle, because when it is used, the user has the obligation to wear hand, ayunannya more ... It is said that even in a down tebasan, this blade has a cutting capacity of 7 people on the neck.


The swords of the Estoc was very famous, and widely used in France and the United Kingdom in the 14th century to the 17th century. A common sword one of the riders and to the battlefield.
For the first time and Estoc scared opponents are using other sharp weapon, since only one in tebas, the resulting wound is severe and fatal. So, using the Estoc Zweihander Max, then you must use two hands.

4. Wallace sword

William Wallace's sword is the sword of legends from Wales and Scotland's William Wallace was in the 13th century a legend. In addition to the large and heavy, a sword is considered to provide victims with serious injuries.
This sword has been lost for centuries after Wallace was killed, but in 1825, the sword appears again, to become a public concern. Right now, the Wallace sword kept in the Wallace monument.

5. Wang Gou Jianjian

King Gou Jianjian is a very valuable cultural relics in Chinese history. In 1965, Zhang he found the sword near the reservoir for the first time. Swords made of bronze, and found that the test for the first time it's still next, reliable framework is meant to be spattered sword master.
Creators think, in production, in addition to using a special bronze material, wear to the high level of air pressure oxidation to kemampatan each particle can be tightly and powerful sword and staying sharp despite hundreds of years of history.

6. jilijie

A sword called jilijie was established for the first time in Turkey, in 400 ad. From the beginning of creation, and jilijie went through several of his models the overhaul last year. Even in the era of the Ottoman Empire, jilijieyiran is used to top-soldier army.
Under normal circumstances, jilijie is for Knight to kill enemies with the help of a sharp weapon itself supported by the horse's speed. In fact, according to information in the hands of an experienced rider, jilijie can be used to split easily.

7. hook swords

Hook swords, also known as double hooks, Fu Tao, Hu Tou GOU, or double Groove is the traditional sword from northern China. Hook the ends of the handlebars, very sharp swords and tapered at the bottom is a main weapon of the people training martial arts
In fact, if a user is a person trained and swords can be used to easily split his opponents. According to reports, the hook sword is still in use today, though not as a weapon, but as a tool of competitive martial arts routine exercise.


Called Flammard blade is noted for its renaissance. Its shape is unique when compared to swords in that era. Under normal circumstances, Flammard has a form similar to friezes of fencing and a thin tapered or berlenggak there also created as Chris leaves move of little penguins.
This sword is a powerful weapon used to kill your opponent, because the affected piercing or sabetannya, and the resulting wound is serious enough. Like a typical European swords, the user must use two hands to use it to its full potential.

9. grace of executioner Gong Beijian

Although not from continental Europe, but fairly typical weapons in Congo, but the executioner TU Gong Beijian is very popular in Europe a number of explorers have it as a souvenir.
Grace Gong Beijian executioner has a very unique compared to most of the swords used by the army in Europe. However, if it is challenged, this area is very dangerous, capable of making a very serious sword wound.

10. the authentic

The authentic is an artificial sword authentic sword manufacturers, one of the largest, an expert in the history of mankind. This authentic strength, flexibility, quality, and beauty have Tara and its popularity continues to remember for centuries.
In ancient times, this authentic only by the Edo shogunate in the Song dynasty. By using this type of sword, which users can easily cut off the opponent's body or cutting weapons the enemy.

11. the five aggregates

It is originated from the Indians for some communities is a symbol of God Shiva weapon aggregates of clinging sword. The shape of the logo itself is similar to the sword case, because at last blunt and honed sharp on both sides.
While the shape is weird is not very long, but if you use the battlefield one by one, a tear or even split easily, or at least wound serious enough in the body.

12.Ulfberht sword

Nobody doubts that the struggling Pirates of the great and colonized in many countries of the world. Ulfberht swords were one of the legendary sword of the Vikings. The sword has the power, flexibility and light weight.
Although it is mild, but this one is a very powerful weapon in one battle. -They are very sharp and can be painful if the opponent had in tebas to disabetkan.


From its shape, similar to the Khopesh more hooks than a sword. Khopesh is similar in form to celurit with two sharp weapons used by the ancient Egyptians.
Khopesh has an average length of 50-60 cm, bronze or iron. It is estimated the weapons developed and used around Third century BC to 1300 BC.

14. Zulficar

Zulficar weapons belonging to Ali • Ibn · Aibutalibu the Prophet Muhammad. This is a legendary weapon, because it always or use Prophet Muhammad · Ali in several major battles.
Curved shape and very sharp Zulficar raised one of them was said to be able to find a sword or cut the enemy's weapon. Now, the original Zulficar of indefinite rimbanya disappears and is believed to be Mohammed · Salah Hamdi.

15. Napoleon Bonaparte gold sword

Napoleon Bonaparte had a lot of battles, one of which is of length 32 inches of gold of weapons used by the sword. The sharp Keris belonging to Napoleon, can be divided into all the tebas and the enemy's body.
Except for very sharp sword is that in 2007, also known as the world's most expensive weapons, and then briefly sold through auction Rp 76.22 billion. Unfortunately, the auction winner remains a mystery.

This is history in the world of the sword, in fact, does not shut down, but the sword in order to protect weapons and impressive. Blade holders usually have to carry the responsibility of power, or even killed his own weapon.
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