1. Responsibilities

Pets need regular feeding, exercise, and feelings, not to mention the grooming and bathroom time (and clean up). Older children can learn how to take care of another living creature, even young children can help feed and play.

2. Trust

It's easy to spill your heart to your pet, will provide you with unconditional support in return. Wonderful pets for the children do a reliable partner, and you can help your child build on other relationships, trust the first step.

3. Compassion

Take care of pets need sympathy, understanding and compassion. Children learn to be kind, to take care of the basic needs of people.

4. Bereavement

Pain of bereavement when a pet goes when the time, your children will inevitably feel the pain but will, in turn, learn how to deal with during the funeral.

5. Respect

Pets teach children how to respect others. They must touch them gently, tend to their needs, and learn not to bother them, and when they eat or sleep.

6. Pride 

Pet express unconditional love, can greatly enhance a child's self-esteem. So, or from a responsible and caring for your pet's needs met.

 7. Loyalty

The pet's loyalty to its master is often incomparable. In turn, the children learn the importance of showing them a special furry friend's loyalty.

8. Sports activities

A dog fun physical activity for children to learn while they play tug of war, how to take, or with their pet for a walk. In fact, research shows that dog-owning families more time exercising than children without dogs.

9. Patience

Bonding with a new pet often takes time. Your child will learn to be patient, and your new pet to be comfortable, during the training period, your home.

10. Social skills 

Dogs can be a amazing social "ice". Take your dog for a family can improve your child's ability to socialize, as you interact with others. Pets can also help children develop social skills, such as autism.

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